Posted: 06.23.20 09:34 AM

Charity of the Month: Compassion International

We’re all feeling the weight of COVID-19. But in the communities where Compassion International works, things are becoming desperate. That’s why this month, 20% of all online wind chime sales will be donated to support Compassion International’s ongoing mission.

Advocating for children in poverty for over 60 years, Compassion International is currently working to provide food, grocery vouchers and access to medical care for the most vulnerable families affected by the global pandemic.

Compassion International is unique among child advocacy programs in that it works through local churches to help children in poverty fully mature in every facet of life and transcend what is often a generational legacy of poverty. Communities often feel the positive impact of the “child-first” work our church partners do because what happens in the life of a child ripples throughout his or her environment.

QMT Windchimes partners with organizations like this one who not only have financial integrity, but who are making a difference in the lives of others. Every month, we select a charity to support through our sales. We are pleased to continue our 14+ year commitment to Compassion International.

For the entire month of June, 20% of our online sales will go towards their important work in helping children and families deal with and recover from the pandemic. If you would like to make a direct donation, please visit their website. Compassion International has an extensive list of resources available to you, and a variety of ways for you to get further involved.